Teenage Ninja to Mutant Turtle – Becoming the reel Rapahael (Kenn Scott / Funk Communication Technologies INC)

Auteur : Kennet "Kenn" Scott Troum

Funk Communication Technologies INC (US)

Pages : 270 pages.
Prix : $14,95.

Langue : Anglais.

Première édition
18 octobre 2019

15,24 x 22,86 cm

Just ask Kenn Scott, who portrayed Raphael in the original hit films of the 1990s!

Sucking on oxygen tanks between takes, sweating out 10 pounds a day, and having a near-death experience doesn’t sound like a Hollywood dream, but for Kenn Scott, it was everything he hoped for…and more!

Ever since he was a kid, Kenn dreamed of being a Hollywood action hero! He took acting lessons, studied karate, and figured out a plan to sneak into a movie studio to get his big break. The hard work paid off and Kenn found himself in a green rubber suit, kicking ass as Raphael the Ninja Turtle, in the most successful independent film of the time.

With a relentless production schedule, grueling working conditions, and breakdowns in the state-of-the-art animatronics used to animate the turtle heads, making the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles films was no walk in the park. Performers suffered injuries, illness, and exhaustion to meet the demanding needs of the production.

Now, in this candid book, Kenn shares entertaining, educational, and humorous stories of the blood, sweat, tears, and laughs shared by him and a crew of dedicated artists, as they brought some of the world’s most beloved comic book characters to life on the silver screen.

See what life was like behind the shell.

Autour du livre

  • 10% des ventes de ce livre vont pour l’association de protection des tortues de mer, Sea Turtle Conservancy.
  • Kenn Scott a eu une expérience très marquante sur le tournage des deux premiers films des Tortues Ninja. Du casting, il est l’un des plus actifs sur les réseaux sociaux et régulièrement présent dans les conventions. Il partage notamment de très nombreux clichés sur les plateaux des deux films, que vous pouvez retrouver sur les liens suivants : film 1990 et film 1991.

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